Airpower Aerosols 750ml


Our 750ml Airpower aerosols are ideal for big surfaces thanks to its continuous spray system and its great power, it is therefore advisable to spray at a distance of approximately 1.5 meters at the highest possible height.

The diffuser nozzle allows the product to be extracted in tiny particles. This allows it to remain in suspension for longer and adhere better to any type of surface, which prolongs its durability.

The fragrances are concentrated to improve the performance of the product and create a unique environment.

We have more than 25 aromas in which there are floral, fruity, woody, aquatic, citrus, herbal, etc.

We also offer the possibility of creating a unique aroma tailored to you.

Technical data

PHYSICAL STATE: Aerosol.    


DIMENSIONS: 210mm diameter, 145mm high.

MATERIAL: 0.20mm thick electrolytic tinplate.


REACH: From 3 to 5 meters.


No installation required.


Remove the cap and press the nozzle for 2 seconds to spray the aroma. 

We recommend spraying at the highest possible height and at a distance of 1.5 meters from any object.


Amethyst, Bay, Bamboo, Coffee, Cinnamon Apple, Bubblegum, Citronella, Equilibrium, Lavender Vanilla, Lavender Vanilla Upper, Lemon, Lemon Upper, Malaysia, Tangerine, Mango, Apple, Apple Upper, Snow, Cloud, Proflower, Petals, Just Washed , Sunrise, Green Tea, Victus.

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